Friday, June 29, 2012

Coconut Chicken Salad

Happy Friday!  Am I ever glad I mad it to today!  This has been some week!  We have a busy day/night planned and then on to relaxation tomorrow!  We get to go to the Ritz tonight :)  It is one of my favorite things to do.  We go and listen to Ted's Rock Star Cousin and get to visit with his amazing wife Lindsey and hang out with their way to cool of a son!  This is his last night there performing after 6 years of Friday nights!  I am SO sad!  Go Roger!  

One of my favorite parts is getting to hang out with this cool dude!  

Rog rocking it! 

And now a healthy dinner recipe!  A few weeks ago I guest posted this recipe, but this is one of our families all time favorite go to summer dinners so I wanted to make sure you got it!  Ted loves this for his lunch the next day too.  Yumm!

Coconut Chicken Salad
398 calories per serving
Serves 4 people

Originally posted on my favorite healthy cooking site Skinny Taste she is my hero....

6 (about 12 oz) chicken tenderloins
(I use 2-3 chicken breasts and cut then to tenderloin size)
6 tbsp shredded coconut
1/4 cup panko crumbs
2 tbsp crushed cornflake crumbs
2 large egg whites
a pinch of salt
crisco cooking spray
6 cups baby spinach
1 large tomato, sliced
1 small cucumber, sliced
1 tbsp oil
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp white vinegar (balsamic would work too)
2 tsp dijon mustard


1.  Preheat oven to 375°.
2.  Combine coconut flakes, panko crumps, cornflake crumbs and salt in a bowl. Put egg whites in another smaller bowl.
3.  Lightly season chicken with salt. Dip the chicken in the egg, then in the coconut crumb mixture (I press the crumb mixture into the chicken a little so it will stick well).
4.  Place chicken on a cookie sheet lined with tin foil for less mess. Lightly spray with crisp cooking spray and bake for 20-30 minutes turning halfway, or until chicken is cooked through (time depends on thickness of chicken, the chicken pictured was cooked about 24 minutes).
5.  Place 2 cups baby greens on each plate, layer with cucumber, and tomatoes. Top with warm chicken.
6.  Combine all vinaigrette ingredients into a microwavable small bowl or glass, microwave for 10-20 seconds to slightly melt the honey.  Whisk together and pour over ready to eat salad.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Less is More!

My friend Catherine over at FEST who guest posted for The Forward Home a few weeks ago has issued a challenge to her readers.  I am going to issue the same challenge to you in my Less is More post this week.

She has challenged her readers to join her on her journey to not buy any new clothes.  Catherine is the woman and is doing it for 1 year!  But she has given different timing options to choose from.  I thought The Forward Home could support her and not buy any new clothing for 1 month.  I do not count trading in clothes at consignment stores and buying with credit since that is not money but other than that NO NEW CLOTHES!


I have started to revamp my closet this summer just like I have been doing in every other room in my house.  I have come to the perfect minimalist closet but still have a few items I need to make it perfect.

For me I only have this in my closet:

2 pairs of Jeans - one causal one dressier
3 pairs of dress pants for work: tan, white, grey
4 skirts: a pencil strip black, plain black, white skirt, and black and white
3 dresses: black, yellow and grey
I don't know how many exact shirts I have but if I don't wear them at least every 2 weeks I got rid of them.  This was the hardest part and had to go in stages.  But I paired it down to a minimum and I got rid of all but 1 casual shirt since I like to be mostly dressy
Shoes (my weak link):  2 pair black high heels (one sparkly), 1 gold pair high heels, 1 brown pair high heels, 2 flip flop flats (1 casual, 1 dressy), and 2 pairs of flats (one black, one brown), workout shoes.

Here is my closet.  There are some baskets I am not showing with my socks, underwear and workout clothes but this is all I have other than those baskets and it works out great!

Shirts, sweaters and dresses in the back

My shoes minus two pair of sandals that are on the ground

I still am having a hard time getting rid of this I got rid of some but most of it people have given me...Guess I am too sentimental!  

And now you have seen ALL of my clothes! I hope you join me on the FEST challenge!  Comment below if you are going to join!  Here is to not being prisoner of your things :) 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Olive Bread Recipe

I am so excited to introduce you to my friend Caralee.  If there was ever a queen of making bread she would be it!  I can almost still smell her bread still even though we are thousands of miles apart now!  We met while we were both living in Philly and she was the most generous and helpful friend when I underwent my first treatment in 2008 with a home IV for 3 months.  She would drive me hours to my drs apt and always make sure I had what I needed before she took me home.  She is an amazing person and you should follow her bread blog Have Some Bread!  I love seeing what she comes up with next!  They just moved and she started baking bread again and her first new recipe is on my site!
Hello everyone - This is Caralee, I am thrilled today for the opportunity to guest post for the wonderful author of The Forward Home. I have known Stef for quite some time and am constantly inspired by her! I'm pretty sure that's the general consensus of everyone though!

Bread and I, well we go way back. Some 20 odd years or so..My Mother is an amazing connoisseur of bread (especially 100% whole wheat) which she tried very hard to pass on to me and my brothers and sisters. She would pull out these amazing loaves of deliciousness that we all loved. And then we would try, which many times resulted in what we called "brick bread." Yep, loaves hard as a rock! Baking with wheat can be a little tricky. Breadmaking is definitely an art, but anyone can learn! I think I finally figured it, enough to take some prize winning bread and rolls to the county fair as a teenager!

My recipe today is from the book The Bread Bible beth hensperger's 300 Favorite Recipies it's an excellent book, I highly recommend it! So here we go...

Olive Bread
In a small bowl pour in 3/4 a cup of warm water, sprinkle with 1 tablespoon  (1 package) of active dry yeast and a pinch of sugar. Let it sit about ten minutes, or until foamy. If your kitchen is cool try sitting it in the microwave or a spot thats warm. 

Get a large bowl (or bowl of a stand mixer) and add the following: 1 1/2 cups warm milk, 1/3 cup olive oil (I used Bertolli), the yeast mixture, 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt and 2 cups of unbleached all purpose flour. Beat hard until creamy. (Use paddle with mixer)

Add the remaining 3-4 cups of flour 1/2 a cup at a time. I know it sounds tedious but since flour can differ by the batch sometimes you use more and sometimes less, so the best way to use the right amount is to add a little at a time.  Don't worry if you use more flour then it calls for, keep mixing until you have a ball of dough that you can handle without getting really sticky.

Place on a nice surface (or if you have a large bowl you can even use that, I do that if I don't feel like scrubbing off the counter top!!) and knead for 4 minutes. If it starts to get sticky add a little bit of flour as needed.

If kneading with the machine switch to the dough hook and knead 3-4 minutes.
Dough will be smooth and springy. Then you can place it in a greased bowl, turn to coat, cover with plastic wrap and let raise 1 1/2 hours.

Gently deflate the dough, divide in half (or if you're a perfectionist like me and own a food scale you can weigh until they are perfectly divided ;))

Pat the dough into two ovals and scatter over the top a mixture of one cup spanish style pimiento stuffed green olives, halved, and two cups pitted black olives, drained, patted dry and halved. Use a rolling pin to encase the olives.

Shape the dough into tight rectangular loaves and place in two greased 9 by 5 inch loaf pans. (You can also use clay pans if you have them). Cover with plastic wrap and let raise forty-five minutes. Twenty minutes before baking turn on the oven to 375 F. Bake loaves for 40-45 minutes or until bread is browned to your liking and sounds hollow when tapped.

Cool completely before slicing, if you can!

So far I have used it to serve sloppy joe's, and then my husband cut a slice and dipped it in garlic oil. YUM! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

F & Q about my disease

I made the best cookies yesterday!  Well the best ones I have had that are healthy!  They are made with egg whites, splenda, and part whole wheat flour.  Look below for the recipe.

But first I wanted to do a little Q&A about the blood disease I have.  Many people have asked questions and recently I have found out that many people are too shy or worried what I will think to ask questions about my health, so I thought why not explain it a little better.

So here are some frequently asked questions I get about my disease and how I am feeling.

Q: What disease do you have?
A: I have a type of blood disease, a type of protozoa, it lives in my blood and builds up on the sides of my blood vessels restricting blood flow and making my blood very thick.

This is a picture of my blood.  The dark blue is the normal blood.  The white film is the disease.  The white dots throughout are my white blood cells incased in the disease.  
Q:What symptoms do you have?
A:  This is a very painful disease.  Your joints hurt, your body aches all the time and your extremities swell a lot.  Some days your blood is so thick you can literally feel it slowly flowing in your veins.  Since I have been feeling better and my blood is flowing more I can think so much better!  I didn't realize how much it had affected my thinking until the last few months of clear thinking!

Q:  Will it ever go away?
A:  No.  But the good news is that it is manageable!  After 8 months of rigorous treatments where I only got out of bed for maybe an hour a day, couldn't drive, some days couldn't even bath myself or brush my own hair, I finally have a handle on it!  I will be on meds for the rest of my life and fingers crossed that it never flares up badly again.

Q:  How long have you had it?
A:  Over 8 years, but we just finally figured what was really wrong last summer.

Q:  Where did you get it?
A:  I got it my freshman year of college when I was attending Yale University and was on the rowing team.  I somehow got it from the water from the river we rowed every day.  It is a malaria type disease (water born as well) and I literally take Malaria medication for it.  I have to get my liver and retinas tested often because of how toxic the drug is.  But the good news is I can be on this drug the rest of my life.

Q:  What can you do for it?  How do you feel now?
A:  I take meds once a day and am feeling great!  I have a new appreciation for things like brushing my own hair, being able to drive to the grocery store all by myself and having the energy to go out on Saturday nights!  It has made me truly appreciate the things I have and I hope to always remember how miserable I felt for not only the 8 months of treatment but the 8 years of not knowing what it was!  I am feeling great and all my experiences have informed my ideas here on The Forward Home.

If you have more questions feel free to ask!  I am happy to talk about it!

Now on to the goodies!

Splenda Cookies with Whole Wheat Flour
80 calories a piece


    2/3 cup Light Margerine (I used I can't believe it's not butter)
    2/3 cup brown sugar firmly packed
    2/3 cup Splenda Granular Sweetner
    2 teaspons vanilla (I put at least double in to add sweetness)
    2 eggs or 1/2 cup egg beaters (I used egg whites from a carton) 
    1 tsp baking soda
    1/4 tsp salt
    1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
    1 cup all purpose flour
    1/2 cup whole wheat flour


Cream margerine, sugar, Splenda and vanilla until creamy. Add eggs and mix well. Add flower baking soda and salt. Mix well until blended. Stir in chocolate chips
Place level tablespoon of cookie dough on ungreased baking sheet. Bake at 359 for 10-12 min until golden brown. Cool on wire cooling rack.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Less is More!

 Continuing my Less is More posts!  On to the fridge!  I have fine tuned my fridge so that it is easy to find and access everything and anything!

Over view of my fridge.  I got the baskets that are stackable at The Container Store

My all time favorite item in my fridge are these containers I put all my milk, Ted's silk and our juices in!  I also got them at The Container Store.  It makes it so much easier for my bad hands to pour the liquid and how much better does that look then having those gross cartons!?  I LOVE them!  I can't forget to give a shoot out to Smart Water, we can't get enough of it in our house!  

I make sure the door of the fridge has easy access to things that Ted needs in the morning so it is fast when he is getting ready for work. (and also so he doesn't mess up the rest of the fridge :)

My all time favorite drink!  Coke Zero!  And they come in these nifty little bottles.  I drink about one every 2 days since you can take a sip and put it back, that way I never waste one and I can have that little shot of coke in the mid afternoon.  LOVE them!  

When you are trying to organize your kitchen just remember less is more.  This is especially true when you are trying to eat healthy.  The less choices the easier it is to make the RIGHT ONE!  

Friday, June 15, 2012

Wreath Tutorial

I am really excited to share with you a very talented blogger today!  Her name is Ashely and she is over at Project Bazaar.  She has incredible craft tutorials, great bread recipes and much more!  She is here today with an awesome 4th of July wreath!  Enjoy!

I am off to Greer, Arizona today for a fun Father's Day weekend, 40 degrees cooler than this 105 degree weather here in Phoenix.  Hope you have great weekends!


Hi Forward Home Readers!! It's Ashley from over at Project Bazaar Blog!! I am super excited to be here today and share a project for my FAVORITE holiday, the 4th of July!!

I LOVE the 4th of July, the patriotism, the red, the white, the blue and especially the fireworks!!

I am going to share this fun wreath tutorial with you today!!

Let's gather our supplies and get started...

I used: 

Straw Wreath Form

2" Strips of White Floral Fabric

2 1/2" Ribbon

4th of July Garland

Metal Star Scrapbooking Brads

1" Ribbon for Hanging

Strait Pins

Hot Glue

(there are some extra supplies in the picture, because you can make your pinwheels out of fabric, or smaller ribbon, and you can adorn them with buttons, brads, rhinestones or whatever you would like)

Cover your wreath form with your 2 inch strips of fabric. I pinned it down at the start and stop of each piece, but you could use hot glue if you would like.  ( I wanted to be able to take everything off and use the wreath form again for another holiday.) 

Most of my pins ended up being in the back, but a couple were in the front and I just covered them up with my decorations.

Make your pinwheels (but don't attach the center decoration at this point.

I ended up making 8, but add as many or as few as you would like.

Arrange them on your wreath form as desired.

Pin in place. Some I was able just to pin in the middle, others I pinned on the edges as well.

Take your garland and cut about a 2-3" piece off the end.

Through the center of the garland you will see 2-4 wires.

Take the ends and twist the wires firmly so your little pieces don't fall off, then kind of roll up the end of the wire so it will hold.

 Adjust your garland pieces as desired and pin or glue in place on your wreath.

Take your brads and cut off the back piece. 

Hot glue in place in the center of your pinwheel.

Take your 1" ribbon and make a loop, large enough that it will go around your wreath and hang and your desired length. 

Tie the end in a square knot,  (if desired add a bow on top of the knot.)

Place the loop behind the wreath form, if you have a bow make sure it is at the top, if you just have a knot place it off to the side still at the top.

Take the bottom of the loop and go over the wreath form, and under your knot.

Pull tight.

Hang it up and ENJOY!!

Thanks to The Forward Home for having me over today!! Come stop by and check out Project Bazaar Blog  for more fun tutorials!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Easy Salmon Recipe

I posted a picture of a Salmon dinner I made a few weeks ago on instagram and Facebook and several people have asked for the recipe.  So here you go!  

Salmon isn't either Ted or I's favorite dish, but we eat, especially on a night when we don't have very many calories left.  I always have to pair the fish with a side dish or two to take my mind of actually eating fish! Ha ha!

This time I steamed some fresh squash and added a side of baked sweet potatoes.  

Baked Salmon:
Salmon is a really easy dish to throw together.  I but individually wrapped frozen salmons and keep they when I need a fast dish.  

2 salmon fillets thawed (I put mine in a bowl of cold water for an hour to thaw)
light cooking spray
Italian Spices

-Preheat oven to 350 degrees
-Place thawed fillets in a square baking dish lined with foil for an easy clean up.
-Salt and Pepper generously
-Lightly spray with the light cooking spray
-Season with mixed italian spices (I buy an italian season mix), do not over season you just need a little bit of this seasoning
- Bake for 10 minutes per inches the fish is thick.  I always use thin fillets so I bake for 8-10 minutes.  You know it is done when the fish flakes with a fork, the fish may not be completely white but if it has cooked the 10 minutes trust yourself and take it out.  There is nothing worse than over cooked fish!  It is also one of the safest meats to eat a little undercooked, unlike chicken.  

Steamed Squash:
For this I simply slice the squash and put it in a steam basket over boiling water for 4-6 minutes until it is still slight firm.  To keep calories low I never use butter, I just salt and pepper mine.  

Backed Sweet Potatoes:
This is so simple and one of our favorites!  Just cub 2-3 sweet potatoes and place on a cookie sheet lined with tin foil and sprayed with light cooking spray (tin foil for easy clean up).  I then spray the tops of the sweet potatoes lightly with the cooking spray and then simply season it with salt and pepper.  I bake at 400 for about 30 minutes or until tender when poked with a fork.


This is such a simple and healthy meal.  I have had to stop using butter to keep the fat down as well as the calories, so I resort to using a little cooking spray in order to still make the food stay moist.  

What is your favorite healthy go to dish???

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Less is More!!!

A a few weeks ago I posted about making my kitchen the perfect minimalist kitchen.  Since then I have had lots of people ask me how exactly I organize things as I pare it down.  With last weeks post about healthy eating, I thought I would start by showing you my snack/cereal cupboard that we have made it to an efficient and fast way to get healthy snacks and cereal.

Ted and I count every calorie we eat.  It took me almost 2 years to get on board with this (Ted has been literally doing this for years), but I have been doing it for the past 2 months and can't believe the change I have seen!  Not just in my physical appearance but mostly in my energy and how great I feel.  The first 2 weeks were the hardest!  But after I got through those it has just become habit to measure and track everything I eat.  Ted is happy he finally has someone who understands how it feels to go to family parties or out to eat.....honestly I never knew how poorly I was eating!  Things I thought were high in calorie weren't and things I thought might not be that bad were way worse!

This is our cereal/snack cupboard.  The top shelf is cereal and the lower shelf is full of low calorie snacks with a place for easy access measuring cups.  

The cereal containers I bought at The Container Store .  The trick to finding good containers is really  personal preference.  For us we needed something with a wide lid you can dip a measuring cup in, but I also need something my hands can open easily (I don't have much feeling left in my hand do to my blood disease), so I needed something I could easily open by myself but would still be air tight.  I cut off the cereal nutrition label and stick it in there so we know the serving size and calorie count.  This container holds a little more than 2 boxes of cereal.  

Nice and easy to use! Especially when I am still groggy in the morning!

 For the snack cupboard I got my containers at Ikea.  I love that they have tall and small ones.  

With the nuts and smaller items I always try to pre measure then into little baggies and make sure that the calories and measurement are on them.  That way if I am running out the door I have something to grab.  I don't always have time to do this but it helps a lot!  (Can you believe 1/4 cup almonds is 170 calories!  I couldn't!)

I have a set of measuring cups that I bought specifically for this cupboard.  They are not used for anything else.  I just quickly wipe them down once a day since they only measure dry foods.  

So there you have it!  Our snack cupboard that not only is easy to use but makes eating healthy that much easier and painless!  

Next week I'll show you my inside my refrigerator, I have amazing containers I pour our milk and juice into that are easier for my hands to pour out of and just look so much nicer!  

Remember LESS IS MORE! :)  

Monday, June 11, 2012

Princess Party

My talented and amazing friend, Bridget, is guest posting for us today!  She throws the most incredible parties and is here to share one with us today!  Follow her party blog Bridgey Widgey to get more amazing ideas!

Hello everyone, I am so excited to be guest posting today and sharing with you my parties. Let's start by telling you about me... My name is Bridget and I am a party stylist in Utah. I had no idea I was interested or even good at throwing parties until I started helping my large family with all their kids parties. After doing enough parties, I learned so many tips and tricks and decided to start my blog Bridgey Widgey

You know the cliche of, "if I can do it, you can do it." well it is true in this case because I will help you. If you see my first party you would laugh it went from that to this princess party I will be sharing with you today. I went from not knowing how in the world to create a party to be featured in Parenting Magazine and Studio 5. TRUST ME if I can do it, you can to because I will show you on my blog.  I share with you how you can create that expensive looking party with out breaking the bank. 

Come check me out and follow me for some great giveaways, tips and tricks.  

Let's get started with my favorite party...

For this party I was told the my niece wanted a princess theme, but I was given the freedom to do what I wanted. I chose to do a different spin on a typical princess party. I focused more on the stories of each princess and took a piece from each story. I wanted each guest to feel like they stepped into their own fairytale that started “Once Upon A time” and ended “Happily Ever After.” 

When looking for decor I will always start looking around my house and my parents (they have a lot more stuff than me) I always try to use things I already have first and then i will hit my local thrift stores. 

For this party, I incorporated old thrifted books to represented the different fairy tales. I also used my ruffle fabric bannerprincess party hats, and  Fairy godmother wands. For the backdrop, I used a table cloth and a frame from Ikea. 

Here is my favorite tip... for the table cloth I used a bedskirt on bottom and a lace overlay on top. Ruffle table clothes can be so expensive, so just find a bed skirt to fit your table and you are good to go. I purchased all these table clothes/bed skirts at my local D.I. (thrift store) for 1-3 dollars each. Now anyone can afford that right?

 Now for the best part... the food.  I took inspiration from the princess stories. We had: kissing frogs, Cinderella glass slipper cookies, Snow White "poison" caramel apples, royal jewels, and Princess PB&J's The  food wouldn't make any sense if it wasn't for the amazing printables. They were done by my sponsor Mimi's Dollhouse . She did exactly what I had in mind and was so easy to work with. These printables will be available for purchase in her shop so you can go and create your own perfect princess party. Now if you don't want to spend the money on printables, which I think you can because you saved so much money thrifting your decor ;) you can always use a free software like picmonkey or word to create your own.


Friday, June 8, 2012

This Week's Forward Homes

 I am guest blogging over at Project Bazaar today!  Check out my recipe for one of our family's favorite healthy dinners, coconut chicken salad!  YUMM!

Here are this weeks Forward Homes!  Click here to see the last post with other Forward Homes. 

Forward Home #1
Here is an extremely affordable contemporary style home with great views in Phoenix, click here to see the MLS listing

Located in northern Phoenix near Cactus and the 51
Listed at $239,900
3 Bedrooms
2 Baths
1,748 square feet
Great fireplace, open concept, and cool concrete floors!
Great views
Updated Throughout
Cool location

Forward Home #2
Next we have another great deal!  This home is a new build that was only lived in for a few months before the owners were forced to move out of state for their work!  A new home without a new build price!  Click here to see the MLS listing.

Located in Gilbert near Pecos and Power
Listed at $239,000
4 bedrooms
3 baths
2,503 square feet

Upgrades throughout
Amazing great room
Let me know if you want to see one of these homes or any of the thousands of other homes listed in the valley!  I am always willing to help!

Stefanie Cross
Visionary Properties

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Healthy Eating

Many of you don't know, but I have struggled with a major blood disease for over 8 years now.  After many different treatments we have finally found one that helps.  I can never be cured of the disease but we are figuring out how to manage it!

Blurry shot, but Bob and me at our last workout
Part of the reason I am so healthy right now is thanks our personal trainer/food coach/therapist/everything!  His name is Bob Davis and he runs an Arizona program for kids up to age 18 called Strength of America as well as doing group and individual training for adults.  Honestly I can't say enough about what Bob has done for me!  He has me exercising every day (only 2.5 months ago I was in bed 23 hours a day receiving treatments).  He has me eating right.  He has me feeling healthier than ever and I am still at the end of my treatment.

Needless to say I am excited to have him post!  Here he is with a post on healthy eating.

With all the media blitz, diets, experts pushing fad diets, good fats, bad fats, all protein no carbs, good carbs, bad carbs, energy drinks, sports drinks, protein after workouts, carbo loading... Forget it, I’m just going to get a cheeseburger!!!
It’s no wonder we have such a large part of our population obese, New York City alone has over 60% of their population considered obese.  There are about 20 million Americans with Diabetes, children and adults, and 79 million are Prediabetic!
A big part of the problem is we over think what to eat, then get frustrated, or are starving then we don’t think and eat anything we can get a hold of.
I am a big believer in MODERATION.  Here are some basic rules in controlling your weight and energy at the same time.
  1. Portion control
  2. Get a Protein in every meal
  3. Fiber with your protein
  4. Fruits and vegetables 3 times a day
  5. 4, 16 oz bottles of water each day
  6. Don’t drink your calories, unless it’s your meal
Portion Control- We only need about 300-500 calories in each meal.  A meal does not have to be a sit down fill the table with food.  It can be a half sandwich on whole wheat with a vegetable, hand full of almonds and a piece of fruit, a protein shake.  With this recipe of small portions you can eat 5-6 times a day and less mess in the kitchen with those big meals.
Protein- We need to rethink protein.  Many believe it is only needed if you are an athlete wanting to build big muscles.  Proteins help regulate our blood sugars.  Think about your breakfast, the most important meal of the day, right?  If your last meal the day before breakfast was 8-10 hours sometimes 12, then you have carbs, even fruit, not even talking about a doughnut, then you wonder why an hour later at work or school you are sleepy.  You put in your empty tank sugar, tasted good, you were eating fruit, but crash, the sugar now drops your energy  down.  By simply adding a protein, not high fat protein, it helps to regulate and slowly use that energy you just consumed.  We generally consume less than 5% of our total calories from protein, we need 20-25% of our calories from protein.  Protein such as nuts, beans, chicken, lean beef, pork, turkey, fish are great sources.  With the portion guidelines we only need 15-20 grams of protein in each meal.
Fiber with your protein- When protein and fiber are eaten together they are digested more slowly, this keeps you satisfied longer and keeps your blood sugars from spiking then crashing.  Adding fruits, veggies or whole grains to each meal with your protein will put you on track and taste good also.
Fruits and Veggies 3 times a day- These are good sources of fiber to go with your protein.  So with a fruit or vegetable 3 times each, that covers your 6 meals a day.  If you stick with your portions and calories, an apple or orange, carrots, broccoli, etc you will not exceed you calories from carbs-sugars.  We need carbs, not doughnuts. :-) 
Four 16 oz. bottles of water each day- And not just for those of us in Arizona.   Our bodies are composed of about 60-70% water, so why do so many of us think we can operate efficiently without it?  Caffeine dehydrates your body.  You cannot count the water in coffee toward your daily requirement, you have to drink more water because of the coffee.  An easy calculation to figure how much water you should drink, is to take half you bodyweight and drink that in ounces.  A 100 pound person should drink about 50oz. of water each day.  See how much you should be drinking.  When most of us calculate that and the protein we take in, now it starts to make sense why we don’t have as much energy during the day.  Our brain is about 75% water.
Don’t drink your calories unless it’s your meal- I’ll have a glass of orange juice in the morning with breakfast that counts, doesn’t it?  A typical glass of orange juice is like eating at least three oranges.  Too much sugar at one time, and don’t think that it counts as your three servings of fruit, the body doesn’t save it for later.  Otherwise once a day at a buffet we would all be good, but have you taken a look around and the sizes of most bodies at the buffets.  The body doesn’t store it the way we want.  If one of your meals is a protein shake, then great.  Calories such as sodas, juice or alcohol all count in our meals!  A typical drink is anywhere from 200-600 calories, that’s a meal in your new guidelines.  
Stay tuned for more details on the basics of eating and exercising healthy in a way that you can live with.  Forget the diets, stick with the rules above and keep it simple. :-)
Have fun and see you next time!  If you have questions visit my website or email me.
Bob Davis
Strength of America Founder since 1989


Not too late to sign up for summer camp, starts week of June 4th, but prorate or make up classes available if gone on vacation.

Make sure your athlete is safe this upcoming season. 

"Hard work is important, but Working Smart is the key to success"
Me :-)